
11/07/2024 Seasearch Course

The next Seaseach Course will run online on Saturday 24th August, followed by a diving day in Loch Fyne on Sunday 25th August.  To sign up or for more information, contact Owen Paisley at

21/06/2024  Advance notice of HQ closure for Summer Holidays

Please note that the office will be closed from 15Jul – 29Jul for Summer Holidays.  If you have an urgent query during that time, please contact the relevant member of the Board.  Thanks.

The office will also be closed on Mon 1Jul.

13/06/2024 Nautical Archeology - update

The ScotSAC Underwater Archeology Endorsement has been updated to reflect changes in the NAS courses.  Some of you may already have completed the modules that allow you to claim the ScotSAC endorsement (counts toward the ScotSAC First Class Diver Award), so if you have done both of the NAS modules you can get your endorsement signed up retrospectively.

04/06/2024  Eyemouth Harbour - replacement pay to park system.

Eyemouth Harbour Trust have let us know that their new pay to park system will be in place from 17th June. This includes the shore dive parking areas. The previous pay to park 'Just Park' app was not cost effective.

Full details are available here - this includes a map showing where Free parking is still available

27/05/2024  Nautical Archeology

Are you considering the Nautical Archaeology Module for your First Class Diver award?

Divers who have completed their eLearning with NAS (Nautical Archaeology Society) can attend and get their module signed off with ScotSAC.

There is now a planned Scottish Foreshore Skills of 2-days (27th - 28th July) at North Berwick. Anyone wishing to attend can sign up via the NAS website (under Education/Whats On/) or use the link above.   Please contact HQ if you want to ensure your attendance is coordinated with our contact in NAS.

30/04/2024 Nitrox Course postponed
Unfortunately, due to insufficient candidates coming forward, the Nitrox course that was scheduled to be held on 25th May will be postponed to later in the year.  A revised date will be communicated once confirmed.  If you are interested in attending, please add yourself to the waitlist in JustGo (Click on Events and Courses>>Click on the relevant course>>Click on Add to Waitlist).

03/04/2024  Make your voice heard regarding the closure of the NHS Recompression Chamber at Dunstaffnage, near Oban.

The closure of this chamber means that decompression incidents on the West Coast will now need helicopter (or Ambulance) transport to Aberdeen increasing delay and risk to affected divers.  You can express your views directly to your MSP or MP and by signing the online petition

29/03/2024  Easter Holidays - HQ closed.

Please note that the office is closed from 29Mar - 10Apr for the Easter Holidays.  If you have an urgent query during that time, please contact the relevant member of the Board.  Thanks.

25/03/2024  Upcoming Courses

After the successful delivery of courses in Feb/Mar, plans are being progressed for further courses, but we can already confirm the following:

  • Branch Instructor – 20th April 2024
  • Deep Dive – 11th / 12th May 2024
  • Nitrox – 25th May 2024

Courses are only run where there is sufficient interest so…

Please register your interest on JustGo by adding your name to the Waitlist (in JustGo – Click on Events and Courses>>Click on the relevant course>>Click on Add to Waitlist.  Note: Club Admins can also do this for members of their Branch). 

If you have any questions, please do contact the relevant Course Director and if you have any problems adding yourself to the Waitlist, please contact HQ.  Thanks.

19/03/2024  Keep our Pools Open

Scottish Swimming have a petition in the Scottish Parliament at the moment to keep swimming pools open as they are so vital not just for swimmers but for other sports such as our own who use them for techniques, training and safety.

This petition is being considered in Parliament on Wednesday 20th March and it will be great to get as many signatures on it ahead of this.

The petition link is here. Recognise the value of swimming pools and provide financial relief to help keep pools open - Petitions (

13/02/2024  Update on upcoming training courses

The significant work to ensure courses are running to meet demand is bearing results with following courses taking place in Feb/Mar:

  • Thursday 15th Feb – CWPS (Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport)
  • Sunday 25th Feb – Club Examiner Course
  • Sunday 10th Mar – First Aid/Heartstart/Oxygen Administration Course
  • Saturday 16th Mar – ScotSAC Nitrox Course
  • Saturday 16th Mar / Sunday 17th Mar – Regional Instructor Course

Thank-you to all those involved in arranging and delivering these courses.


We hope the Christmas and New Year period was good to you and you are all ready to try out any shiny new kit Santa brought!

Membership Fees:

Please note that the updated membership fees as agreed at our AGM are now in operation and you can refer to them in the table on the Join Now page.

Training Courses:

There is significant activity in progress getting courses scheduled to meet demand.  The current plans are as follows:

  • HeartStart / O2.  Next course is 14th January 2024. Course is now full, but planning is underway for the next course (potentially mid February) – please register your interest on JustGo
  • Deep Diving.  Next course 13th / 14th January 2024.  Course is now full, but planning is underway for the next course – please register your interest on JustGo
  • CWPS course (essential if you instruct in a branch that has juniors).  Next date 15th February 2024 (Virtual). Spaces available – please register your interest on JustGo.   Branch CPOs will be given priority, however future courses will be scheduled to accommodate demand.
  • Nitrox.  Next Course 16th March 2024 in HQ.  Spaces available – please register on JustGo if you want to attend.
  • Regional Instructor. Date TBC but targeting mid/late March 2024.  The course is now full, but please speak to your Regional Coach if you want to take your instructing contribution to this level.
  • Branch Instructor.  Next course TBC but targeting April – Spaces available.  Please speak to your BDO and/or Regional Coach if you want to progress to become an instructor in your branch. You can then register your interest by joining the waitlist.

Note that in JustGo, when the course you wish to attend is full, you still have the option to join the waitlist for the course – that gets you into the queue for the next one or onto the scheduled one should a space become available.  If you have any problems registering onto the waitlist, please contact HQ.



Christmas/New Year: Please note that the ScotSAC office will be closed from 22Dec to 7Jan inclusive.  Urgent items can be addressed to the Chair or to the NDO by email as appropriate.


Reminder: Please be aware that there is only one postal collection per week from Caledonia House (on a Wednesday), so please allow for that when expecting qualification logbooks for new members of your branch.  Once Kirsty has the logbook packaged up, it can take up to a week for it to actually leave the building.


Scottish Sub Aqua Club
Please note that our office at Caledonia House | 1 Redheughs Rigg | South Gyle Edinburgh EH12 9DQ is open: 

Monday and Thursday on 0131 625 4404

Also available by phone only on Tuesday on 07543 673 616

Email: | Website:   | Membership login:



New Admin and Finance Officer

After much searching we are delighted to welcome Kirsty Carella as our new Admin Officer.  Kirsty comes to us with lengthy experience in administrative roles in various settings.

She started work with us on 18th July 2022.

She will be working 21 hours per week, her working days are Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Christmas Closure 2020


Dear ScotSAC Members

Please note there will be no Office Administration available from the 24th December 2020 until the 5th January 2021. For emergencies contact

Thank you for your continued support during this difficult year and we wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Best Wishes



ScotSAC Office Closure - Update


It has been confirmed that Caledonia House ScotSAC Headquarters, will be closed until January 2021. The closure will be reviewed in January.

Dannielle is working from home and if you need to speak to her there is a temporary number available on: 07543 673616.

Please renew your membership as normal and a Membership card will be sent out as soon as we have access to the office next year.

Keep checking the ScotSAC website for updates and thank you for your patience at this difficult time.

In case of emergency contact

Rescue Refreshers Update


At the AGM last night a question was asked about Rescue Refreshers for Branch Instructors.

This was discussed at the June 2020 Board meeting and announced in the June/July newsletter that all Branch Instructors would have a 6 month extension added to thier Rescue Refresher.

If for any reason, B.I s, have still not succeeded in renewing thier rescue they should consult with the NDO on the way forward for them and cases with be reviewed individually.

2020 AGM


Dear Members please remember the ScotSAC AGM will be held as a virtual meeting on Wednesday the 28th October 2020 at 7.30pm.
Members of ScotSAC can find the link to register for the meeting on the Members Home page, Resources, Downloads, Board, AGM.
Upon registration a further link will be sent which allows you to vote in Board Members.  You will also receive an invite to join the AGM.

The latest information from Sport Scotland


Please read the latest advice from Sports Scotland on the Covid page received 23rd September 2020.
